Megatech Industries
Megatech, a company dedicated to the manufacture of plastic parts for the automotive sector, has become one of the many active agents in this transformation process. With the aim of improving its productivity and efficiency, the company has acquired four MiR250s: "It is a project that fits very well with our plan for the future," says Kepa Cid, Continuous Improvement Technician at Megatech.
MiR AMRs optimize Megatech's internal logistics processes.
Today, thousands of autonomous mobile robots (AMR) from Mobile Industrial Robots (MiR) deliver parts, transport products and handle many other logistics tasks in cooperation with human operators. This reality, fully established in more and more industries around the world, is only the beginning of what is expected to be a decades-long growth, something that until just a few years ago seemed like a futuristic vision.
It is a project that fits very well with our plan for the future.
One of the main changes that have occurred with the arrival of MiR robots at Megatech has been the reduction of incidents caused by forklifts, since now the robots are in charge of removing the finished containers from the line, taking them to the warehouse and bringing an empty one to continue production.
In this way, operators are in charge of managing warehouse logistics, optimizing efforts and reducing costs. In addition, Megatech emphasizes the safety and ease of integration of the AMR.
"From the first moment we liked how safe, intuitive and autonomous they were, as well as being able to modify our projects easily and without the need for major modifications."
The MiR robots are just like any other robot in the plant, says Kepa Cid.
The system
At Megatech, with the support of MiR's official distributor, MTS Tech, they have integrated MiR's fleet control into their own software.
Thanks to this, they have real-time control of the location of the robots, the missions they are carrying out at any given moment, they can assign priorities and detect and resolve any incidents.
For now, Megatech's plant in Amurrio (Basque Country) is the first of its group to integrate MiR robots. Now, in view of the success obtained, it is considering its implementation in the Ourense facilities and, later on, in the Czech Republic.
With the implementation of MiR robots, Megatech has achieved a significant reduction in bottlenecks and costs.
Megatech estimates a return on investment of around 100,000 euros per year.
From the first moment we liked how safe, intuitive and autonomous they were, as well as the fact that we could modify our projects easily and without having to make major modifications. The MiR robots are just like any other robot in the plant, says Cid.
The transformation in the workplace
MiR's AMRs are designed to interact with humans, carrying out the most repetitive tasks so that workers can perform more value-added work. "They have been very well received by everyone," says Kepa Cid. The operators are very happy because the missions are instantaneous and much more efficient.
Also, ergonomically, it has benefited them a lot because they no longer have to be bent over so much to pack, they can maintain an upright position for longer.
The MiR robots have been very well received by everyone," says Kepa Cid. "The operators are very happy because the missions are instantaneous and much more efficient. Also, ergonomically, it has benefited them a lot because they no longer have to bend down for so long to pack, they can maintain an upright position for longer.
With the implementation of MiR robots, Megatech has achieved a significant reduction in bottlenecks and costs.