Our MiR Partners are located in 250+ places around the world.
United States
Advanced Control Solutions & Automation, Inc
1400 Williams Drive, Mariette, GA
30066 United States
United States
Air Hydro Power
2550 Blankenbaker Parkway, Louisville, KY
40299 United States
United States
Olympus Controls
18280 SW 108th Ave, Tualatin, OR
97065 United States
United States
110 Gordon st, Elk Grove Village, IL
60007 United States
Equipos Neumaticos e Industriales Guergo SA de CV
Blvd. Francisco Villa 506-local 2 Col. León
Moderno C.P. 37480 León, Guanajuato, México
United States
Industrial Control, Inc
PO Box 274, 9267 Riley Street, Zeeland
MI 49464
Robotplus S.L
C. Londres, 10, Local comercial C-5
28805 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid
Certified System Integrator Network
MiR has a global network of integration partners who have specific MiR Product, Software, and Application expertise to support our customers with large and complex installations.