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Local MiR offices
Headquarters, Denmark
Mobile Industrial Robots A/S
Energivej 51
5260 Odense S
Sales Office, USA
Mobile Industrial Robots Inc.
10509 Vista Sorrento Parkway, Suite 116
San Diego, CA 92121
Sales Office, USA
Mobile Industrial Robots Inc.
1007 Old Delaplain Rd. STE C
Georgetown KY 40324
Sales Office, USA
Mobile Industrial Robots Inc.
27175 Haggerty Road, Suite 160
Novi, MI 48377
Sales Office, Germany
Teradyne Robotics (Germany) GmbH
c/o Mobile Industrial Robots
Heinrich-Lanz-Allee 24
60437 Frankfurt
Sales Office, Spain
MiR Robots Southern Europe, MEA, UK & IRL
Calle de Agricultura 106
08019 Barcelona
Sales Office, Japan
横浜市西区みなとみらい3-6-3 MMパークビル
7階 日本支店 〒220-0012
Sales Office, Singapore
Mobile Industrial Robots
51 Science Park Road
#02-01 The Aries, Singapore Science Park 2
117586 Singapore
Sales Office, South Korea
Mobile Industrial Robots - 한국
서울특별시 서초구 매헌로 16
하이브랜드빌딩 10층
우 06771