4 key steps to successful deployment
4 Keys to Success for Mobile Robot Deployments in Smart Factories and Flexible Logistic Centers
More and more companies, manufacturers as well as 3PLs, are interested in implementing mobile robots in their facilities.
As the technology is still new, the same questions get raised. How do I get started? What makes a successful project? How many robots do I need? Ultimately, what have others that have gone this road before us done that we can learn from?
In short
Communicate your automation plans
If you describe the process and leave room for questions, employees are less likely to feel threatened or fearful about the change but instead engaged and interested.
Involve your employees in the process
Making your employees part of the process is the best way to smoothening your upcoming path to automation. Information gathered from employees is an excellent resource for deploying the robots most effectively.
Make the process enjoyable
Let your employees know that the future of work is not robots that are here to replace them, but rather that they will help and work alongside people, increasing efficiency but also safety.
Train your employees to work with the robot
Training your employees with the robot will help them to understand the robots and processes better. It will also give them new and valuable skills in their career
Familiarization with the robot
There are different ways of making your employees perceive the robots as part of the staff instead of a threat.
For the pilot project, focus on the basics without losing sight of the end goal
If its a new concept for your business this is important.
Find a scalable solution from your robot provider that allows you to learn with a smaller initial investment but one that can be rolled out site wide easily once you have convinced your manager, your colleagues on the floor, your IT department, your safety department and yourself that you can undertake a larger full scale project.
If you want to jump to a bigger project or one that might require cross departmental resources, consider your milestones and if your project should have different phases to allow time for you to learn and grow.
Scope out your project
Have you completed a time study?
Do you understand your fully loaded labor costs?
How would you like to transfer the material to and from the robot?
What does the infeed and outfeed systems look like?
We all know there is a good reason to sometimes invest in technology for the sake of technology and learning.
However, without a firm project in mind, priorities can change and that can mean less time for side projects that don't have a ROI attached directly to it.
Pay attention to cultural needs
For those reading my post, you are probably well versed in technology. However, many of the people whom will be interacting with a mobile robot on a daily basis may not be.
This leads to a lack of acceptance (and even potential sabotage!) So its important to find a way to make the technology less scary.
Almost all of my customers name their robots, but one of my customers created a naming competition for their three new mobile robots.
The staff at the site each received a ballet and the winning entry was Larry, Moe and Curly :) Naming drives ownership and guess who will be responsible for Larry if he gets stuck in a pickle? That's right the local site staff. That leads me on to the next point...
Have a champion (or two!) in house
By having a champion onsite, that gives you the best ability to redeploy or continuously improve your process for use of the mobile robots.
It also will allow you to keep costs low and avoid having to bring in costly outside third party support when you look to make changes. Mobile robots offer huge amounts of flexibility. Take advantage of this flexibility by investing in a champion.