Robotics in Healthcare: Transforming Logistics Operations
In hospitals worldwide, the demand for efficient logistics and streamlined workflows has never been greater. Autonomous Mobile Robots are leading the charge in addressing these challenges, enabling healthcare facility staff to save time, reduce workload, and spend more time with patients, thereby improving care.
This webinar, hosted by MiR is an opportunity to dive into the MiR Go Ecosystem and see how automation is revolutionizing logistics in hospitals. You’ll gain good insights into practical applications, real-world case studies, and cutting-edge solutions tailored for the healthcare sector.
In addition, Asim Ikram from Meditek, will join us for an exclusive interview to share his experiences and insights about the parcel box solution developed at Odense University Hospital (OUH). This innovative solution has streamlined the delivery and management of essential medical supplies for for non-hospitalized patients, showcasing the tangible impact of robotics in healthcare logistics.